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Privacy Statement and Cookies Policy

The Krypton Prime Limited and its affiliates (collectively, 'we', 'us' or 'our')  operate our store, website, and mobile app. This Privacy Statement pertains  to the personal information we collect or generate about our customers in our  store, on our website, or via mobile app. This Privacy Statement describes  the types of information collected, and how your information is used, shared  and protected. It also explains the choices you have relating to your  information and how you can contact us.

The Krypton Prime Limited entity responsible for processing your information  (the 'data controller') will depend on where you are located.

Information we collect 

The categories of information about you that we may collect, use, disclose  and otherwise handle may vary by country and applicable law. Typically, we  will collect, store and process information about you if you use our websites  to view or buy products, e-vouchers or gift cards, or if you voluntarily provide  us with such information, for example when you subscribe to our mailing list,  enrol in our loyalty programme, enter a promotion or competition, contribute  content about yourself to our websites, whether by direct upload, posting  such content to one of our social media pages or by using a hashtag or other  identifier that we use to integrate social media content with our websites, or  take part in inquiries or surveys. This information will be processed by  electronic means and includes:

Contact details including name, email, telephone number and address; login and account information, including screen name, password and  unique user ID; personal details including gender and date of birth; payment or credit card informationpersonal preferences including your marketing and cookie preference; content you may provide via a form on our website; your image and any personal information that you include in content  that you contribute to our websites (such as comments, photos and videos) as well as the name of the social media account from which you contribute that information. And other personal information you provide to us on our website, via mobile app, on feedback forms, in our store or when you interact with us in  other ways, both online and offline. Our website collects certain information by automated means when you visit  us.

Use of Information

Subject to applicable law, we may collect, use, disclose or otherwise handle  your information in pursuit of our legitimate business interests while  maintaining appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect the  information. These interests include to:

Enable the use of and make improvements to our websites; send direct marketing materials to you if you have agreed for us to do  so; operate, evaluate and improve our business and website; manage customer, supplier and vendor relationships; enrol you in and administer our loyalty and other rewards programs  upon your request; improve merchandise selections and customer service; identify your product and service preferences; notify you about new products, services, features, promotions, events  and special offerings relating to ”ALANDIUM Limited” LTD that we think you  will find valuable; and administer your participation in promotions and contests.

Where we have a contract with you, we process your personal information as  necessary for performance of the contract. This includes to: process business transactions and related activities; and supply our goods and services. 

We also may use the personal information we collect to protect us against  and prevent fraud, claims, and other liabilities and to comply with or enforce  applicable legal and regulatory requirements, industry standards, and our  policies and terms. We use personal information for these purposes when it is necessary to protect, exercise or defend our legal rights, or when we are  required to do so by a law that applies to us. This includes to: verify your identity in certain instances (such as when you return merchandise or request a refund); meet any legal and regulatory requirements; and secure our operations and protect against, identify and help prevent fraud, unauthorised activity, claims and other liabilities and minimise risk.

If we plan to use the personal information that you provide to us for other  purposes beyond those described above, we will provide you with information  about that processing at the time of collection.

Sharing information with third parties

We do not sell, otherwise disclose, or share information we collect and hold about you, except as described in this Privacy Statement.

We share personal information with third parties who perform services on our  behalf. We use third parties to host our website or mobile app, operate certain  of its features, send e-mails, print or send mailings, contests or other  promotions, conduct customer research, authorise and process your  payments, manage and analyse data and our advertising effectiveness,  provide customer support, manage customer claims, prevent fraud, protect  our assets and data, and fulfil orders. These third parties are not authorised  by us to use or disclose the information except as necessary to perform  services on our behalf or comply with legal requirements. Any personal  information shared with such third parties is protected as described below.

Subject to applicable law, we may also share the personal information we  obtain with our affiliates, subsidiaries and other group companies for the  purposes described in the prior paragraph. If we share your personal  information with such entities, we will ensure that an adequate level of  protection is in place to protect your personal information in accordance with  applicable law.

We also may disclose information about you: (i) if we are required to do so by  law, regulation or legal process (such as a court order or subpoena) including  lawful requests by public authorities to meet national security or law  enforcement requirements; (ii) in response to requests by government  agencies, such as law enforcement authorities; (iii) for the purpose of or in  connection with legal proceedings, or otherwise for the purpose of  establishing, exercising or defending our legal rights; or (iv) when we believe  disclosure is necessary or appropriate in connection with an investigation of  suspected or actual illegal activity.

We reserve the right to transfer any information we have about you in the  event we sell or transfer all or a portion of our business or assets (including in  the event of a reorganisation, dissolution or liquidation), but only where we  have first taken reasonable steps to ensure the security and confidentiality of  your information.

How we protect your information

We maintain appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect  personal information against accidental or unlawful destruction or accidental  loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure or access. However, we cannot  guarantee the effectiveness of these safeguards, and nothing in this notice  shall be construed as an express or implied warranty against loss, misuse or  unauthorised access, disclosure, alteration or destruction.

Service providers who might have access to your information in order to  provide services on our behalf will be contractually obliged to keep such  information in confidence, implement adequate data security measures, and  may not use that data for any other purpose.

Links to other Websites

Our websites may contain links to other third party websites for your  convenience and information. These websites may operate independently  from us. Linked websites may have their own privacy policies or notices,  which we strongly suggest you review if you visit any linked website or  applications. We are not responsible for the content, use or privacy practices  of any website or applications that are not affiliated with us.

Retention of your information 

We take reasonable steps to ensure that the information we process is  reliable for its intended use, is accurate, up-to-date and complete, and is  limited to the information required to carry out processing for the purposes  described in this Privacy Statement. We retain your information for as long as  necessary to fulfil the purposes for which we collect it, except if required  otherwise by law.

Data Transfers

We may transfer to and store the information we collect about you in countries other than the country in which the information was originally  collected, including the United States and other destinations outside the  European Economic Area (' EEA'), in accordance with applicable law. Those countries may not have the same data protection laws as the country in which  you provided the information. When we transfer your information to other countries, we will protect the information as described in this Privacy  Statement and comply with applicable legal requirements providing adequate  protection for the transfer of information to countries outside the EEA. This  includes by entering into the European Commission's  EU Standard  Contractual Clauses with the data recipients, ensuring that the data recipient has certified to the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework.

Your rights

Subject to applicable law, you may have certain rights with respect to our  processing of your information. You have the right to request access to the  information we hold about you, obtain confirmation as to whether or not  information concerning you exists, be informed of the content and source of  such information and check its accuracy. In addition, subject to applicable  law, you have the right to correct, update, erase, restrict, or object to the use  of your information held by us.

Also subject to applicable law, you have the right to receive a copy of your  personal information in a structured, commonly used, machine readable  format, including a right to have that personal information transmitted to  another organisation.

If you change your mind and no longer wish to receive marketing  communications from us, you have the right to request that we cease sending  marketing communications, whether by email or otherwise, to you. You can  do this by: checking the applicable box(es) on any form we may use to collect  information from you;clicking the unsubscribe link displayed in any of our marketing e-mails;  or  otherwise requesting that we do not process your information for  marketing purposes.

You can withdraw any consent given to us at any time and free of charge, but  you may no longer be able to benefit from our services if you do so. To exercise these rights or to make a complaint or submit an inquiry about our  privacy practices, please contact our Data Protection Officer by email at

You also may lodge a complaint with the data protection authority in your  country if you are not satisfied with our response.

Updates to our privacy statement

This Privacy Statement may be updated periodically and without prior notice  to you to reflect changes in our processing of your information and privacy  practices. We will post a prominent notice on each of the applicable website  to notify you of any significant changes to our Privacy Statement and indicate  at the top of the Privacy Statement when it was most recently updated.